Sunday, February 21, 2010

Can A Guy Get Trichomoniasis From A Girl If A Girl Had Sex With 2 Guys Without Condom At A Time & None Of Them Had AIDS, Can She Still Be Infected?

If a girl had sex with 2 guys without Condom at a time & none of them had AIDS, can she still be infected? - can a guy get trichomoniasis from a girl

It is like group sex.

I know that HIV infection can spread AIDS, if the fluid is injected. However, I heard him unprotected sex with more than 1 partner at a time can also lead AIDS.
Even reading a Web page, the "having an STD (eg, chancroid, herpes, syphilis and trichomoniasis) the risk of infection with HIV to increase their"

So, I just want to be sure if it's true or not.

And I do not use condoms! Always breaks when the penis is growing fast and strong. In addition, the change of condoms does not make sense to me because every time he entered the vagina. Now, I propose the removal of the penis gently! Wow!


LINDA R said...

HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, do not appear out of nowhere. One can not by someone who has HIV HIV. A person must be infected with HIV to another person. The problem is that there are no symptoms. You can not tell whether someone is infected just by looking. Most people living with HIV have no symptoms for a year. Some people develop flu-like symptoms within a few months after infection, but do not know the difference between symptoms of influenza infection by HIV and flu symptoms, the flu generally. The only way to know whether you are infected with HIV, an HIV test received. About 98% of people who test positive for HIV within 3 months after infection. In rare cases, up to 6 monthsr is a positive one. But someone who is HIV can transmit the virus to others in one days after infection itself - long before symptoms occur and before they positive.
The reason that sex with multiple partners, the risk of HIV infection is that if you have multiple partners, colleagues, partners and more likely to have increased, and there is an increased risk that one of the "they are infected. The reason why other sexually transmitted diseases increase the risk of HIV infection is that the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, infecting your body will penetrate more easily susceptible to HIV infection makes - HIV in his body and then.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's my suggestion to learn to correctly put the condom. If a man does, and leaves no margin in the condom, it's actually broken. Leave a small space. And if someone has the disease, how can it succeed? I think you know the answer already.

Cleo said...

You obviously know condoms are very cheap, and no, there is no way that you may be infected with HIV at least one of its members.

Son of K said...

HIV virus must be present. You can not do magic dip two sticks in a saucepan.

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